Programming in C Language

Introduction to Programming in C Language

C is general purpose structured programming language. It is the outcome of two
programming languages B and BCPL. All three programming languages were

developed at bell laboratory, USA. It is written by Dennis Ritchie & Brain Kernighan in
1978. C is both (1) System program and (2) Application program development tool. It
lies between high and lower level languages so it is also called as Middle level
language. The c character set consists of alphabets, digits, and special symbols.
There are 91 characters in C. The C tokens are the basic units of C program and they
are categorized into keywords, identifiers, constants, strings, operators and special
symbols. All the keywords in C have one or more fixed meaning and they can not be
changed. The keywords must be written in lowercase letters. The identifiers can not
be changed. The identifiers are the names given to the program elements such as
variables, arrays and functions. All the variables must be declared for their types
before they are used in the program. A constant is a quantity that does not change
during the execution of a program. A variable is a quantity that changes during the
execution of a program. Each instruction end with character semicolon “;” and
comments can be placed anywhere. All the words in a program line must be
separated from each other by at least one space or tab, or punctuation. Every C
program requires a main ( ) function and its place is where the program execution
begins. The execution of a function begins at the opening brace of the function and
ends at the corresponding closing brace. We must make sure to include header files
using # include directive when the program refers to special names and functions that
it does not define.


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